Bael: Uses, Benefits for Skin Health, Diabetes Management, and Supplement Insights

Benefits of Bael
Benefits of Bael

Bael, commonly called Bilva in Sanskrit, Bilva Pazham in Tamil, and Maredu Phalam in Telugu, is indigenous to India, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and various Southeast Asian regions.

The Bael tree, scientifically known as Aegle marmelos, is a medium-sized tree with slender branches and pale brown bark that sometimes exudes an edible gum. Its leaves are distinctively trifoliate, meaning each leaf has about 4 to 12 pairs of side veins meeting at the edges.

It’s essential to differentiate Bael, or Wood Apple, from another similar fruit called Kaitha Bael in Hindi, Velaga Pandu in Telugu, and Vilam Palam in Tamil. This other fruit, known scientifically as Limonia acidissima, varies significantly in taste, color, and characteristics from Bael.

The Bael fruit is round and has a tough outer shell that remains intact even when ripe. The immature fruit is greenish-grey, while the outer shell turns yellow as it matures. Inside, the ripe fruit contains a fragrant pulp with 10 to 15 seeds, encased in a sac filled with a natural adhesive.

The Bael tree holds significant religious importance in Hindu traditions. Revered as the preferred tree of Lord Shiva, it is mentioned in the Rig Veda and is considered the abode of Goddess Lakshmi, symbolizing wealth and prosperity. The leaves and fruits of the Bael tree are integral to rituals dedicated to Lord Shiva.

Nutritionally, Bael fruit is rich in essential nutrients, including beta-carotene, protein, riboflavin, and vitamin C. It is also high in vitamins B1 and B2, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and carotene, and provides substantial amounts of calcium, potassium, fiber, and healthy fats.

These fruits are well-regarded for their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and laxative properties. They have been utilized for their medicinal and therapeutic benefits in Ayurveda, Siddha, and other alternative medicine practices for centuries.

If you’re looking to incorporate these tough-skinned fruits into your daily diet, making homemade bael sherbet is an excellent option. Popular in regions like Odisha and West Bengal, this refreshing drink serves as a natural body cooler and energizer on hot days.

Bael fruits remain intact even when fully ripe. Select a pale yellow fruit with a sweet aroma, and break the shell using a sturdy tool. Once the shell is cracked, scoop out the pulp to prepare the sherbet.

How to Prepare Bael Sherbet or Juice at Home:

Bael Sherbet is a traditional drink commonly enjoyed in households across North Eastern India, particularly during the summer months. This refreshing beverage not only satisfies thirst but also delivers a quick boost of energy due to its rich nutrient content.


  • 3-4 ripe bael fruits
  • 4 cups chilled milk
  • 1 cup water
  • 12 teaspoons jaggery powder (adjust to taste)
  • 2 tablespoons cardamom powder
  • 1 tablespoon black salt


1. Prepare the Bael Fruits:

  • Rinse the bael fruits thoroughly. Use a rolling pin to gently tap around the hard shell until it cracks.
  • Open the fruit and scoop out the pulp into a bowl.

2. Prepare the Pulp:

  • Add water to the bael pulp and mash it until it achieves a semi-fluid consistency.
  • Strain the mixture to remove any solid bits or impurities.

3. Mix the Ingredients:

  • Combine the strained bael pulp with chilled milk, cardamom powder, jaggery, and black salt. Stir well.
  • For a diabetic-friendly version, substitute milk with chilled water and omit the jaggery. Instead, add black salt and cumin seed powder to the pulp for a healthier alternative.

4. Adjust Consistency:

  • Modify the consistency of the sherbet by adding more water if needed.

5. Serve:

  • Pour the sherbet into a glass and enjoy this refreshing and nutritious drink.

Benefits of Bael Fruit Juice

Bael Fruit:
Packed with antioxidants, bael fruit helps heal gastric ulcers, supports digestion, and manages diabetes. Its laxative properties alleviate constipation, and its anti-fungal qualities defend against infections.

Milk, abundant in calcium, fortifies bones and boosts immunity. When incorporated into this drink, cold milk helps ease acidity, soothes the stomach, and can aid in weight loss.

Jaggery, an unrefined sugar, provides a rich source of iron. It assists in detoxifying the body, reducing menstrual discomfort, preventing anemia, supporting digestion, and easing constipation.

Cardamom Powder:
Cardamom, known for its aromatic flavor, helps lower blood pressure, address gastrointestinal issues, prevent infections, reduce dental cavities, and combat bad breath.

Health Benefits of Bael Fruit

Bael is packed with a variety of essential nutrients, including vitamins A, B1, B2, C, as well as minerals like calcium, potassium, and iron. The diverse array of plant compounds found in bael is effective in addressing conditions such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, ulcers, and digestive issues. Additionally, bael is rich in tannins, which are useful in managing cholera.

  1. Carbohydrate-Rich:
    Bael is high in carbohydrates, providing a significant energy boost for various bodily functions. When consumed in moderation, it supports optimal brain function, aids digestion, and helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
  2. High in Potassium:
    With its high potassium content, bael is beneficial for individuals with hypertension. Potassium helps prevent arterial hardening, reducing the risk of strokes and cardiovascular diseases. It also facilitates the elimination of sodium through urine and relieves pressure on blood vessel walls, thereby helping to lower blood pressure and manage hypertension symptoms effectively.
  1. High in Calcium:
    Calcium, the second most abundant mineral in bael, is essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth. It helps prevent osteoporosis and plays a crucial role in managing blood loss from injuries.
  2. Iron-Packed:
    Bael is an excellent source of iron, acting as a natural blood purifier and boosting red blood cell and hemoglobin levels. This makes it highly beneficial for individuals dealing with anemia.
  3. Rich in Vitamins:
    Bael is packed with a variety of vitamins, offering numerous health benefits. Its rich content of vitamins A, B, and C makes it a top choice for addressing eye issues, digestive problems, heart conditions, skin disorders, and for enhancing overall immunity and protection against infections.
  1. Rich in Antioxidants:
    Bael is packed with phytochemicals like flavonoids, which provide powerful antioxidant benefits. These compounds help combat heart and liver diseases, lower high cholesterol levels, and offer protection against various infections.

Therapeutic Benefits of Bael

1. Bael for Treating Diarrhea and Cholera:

Bael’s anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic properties, along with its tannin content, are effective in combating infections like shigellosis, which causes diarrhea, and in managing cholera. Research indicates that consuming ripe Bael in juice or pulp form has successfully treated these conditions.

2. Bael for Diabetes Management:

The active ingredient “Feronia gum,” found in the bark and branches of the Bael tree, has demonstrated benefits in managing diabetes. It aids in regulating insulin production and the low glycemic index of Bael helps maintain stable blood sugar levels.

3. Bael for Digestion and Constipation:

Bael is highly effective for addressing various digestive issues, thanks to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It is particularly beneficial for individuals with stomach ulcers, as the high tannin content in Bael leaves helps reduce inflammation. Additionally, Bael’s natural laxative effects support intestinal health and prevent constipation.

Consuming Bael juice with a pinch of salt and pepper regularly can significantly alleviate constipation issues.

4. Bael for Scurvy:

Scurvy, a condition caused by a deficiency in Vitamin C, leads to symptoms such as sore limbs and general weakness. Bael, rich in Vitamin C, provides substantial relief for those suffering from this deficiency, effectively addressing the condition and restoring health.

5. Bael for Earaches:

Though not widely recognized, Bael offers significant benefits for treating earaches. Its anti-bacterial properties assist in addressing infections and help dissolve hardened ear wax, which can improve hearing and alleviate related issues.

6. Bael for Skin Health:

Bael’s anti-bacterial properties make it highly effective in combating skin infections and addressing various skin disorders. Regular use of Bael can enhance overall skin health and promote a clearer complexion.

7. Bael for Blood Purification:

Bael is beneficial for blood purification by helping lower cholesterol levels and supporting the health of the heart, liver, and kidneys. Its high potassium content aids in detoxifying the blood, removing impurities, and boosting overall immune function.

8. Bael for Heart Health:

Bael, known for its natural antioxidant and heart-protective qualities, significantly benefits cardiovascular health. It strengthens heart muscles, lowers cholesterol levels, and prevents the buildup of lipids, reducing the likelihood of conditions such as atherosclerosis, heart blockages, heart attacks, and blood clots.

9. Bael for Respiratory Health:

With its anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and anti-asthmatic properties, Bael is effective in addressing respiratory issues. It helps alleviate symptoms of the common cold, cough, and flu by thinning and loosening mucus in the chest and nasal passages, which facilitates easier breathing. Additionally, it supports treatment for bronchitis and asthma.

10. Bael Fruit Benefits for Hair:

Bael offers numerous advantages for hair health, enhancing growth and maintaining a healthy scalp. Its antimicrobial properties help address scalp infections such as folliculitis, itching, and dandruff. By nourishing hair follicles with essential nutrients and boosting blood circulation, Bael strengthens hair from the roots. Additionally, it regulates stress hormones, thereby reducing hair loss and breakage caused by stress and anxiety.

11. Bael for Lactation:

Regular consumption of Bael or its derivatives can boost the production of prolactin and corticoids, enhancing lactation and improving breast milk quality. This is particularly beneficial for infants, as breast milk supports their nourishment and strengthens their immune system. For added benefits, mix Bael juice with dry ginger powder and a pinch of jaggery to promote lactation.

12. Bael for Controlling Cholesterol:

Bael plays a crucial role in detoxifying the body by eliminating AMA toxins. It helps manage triglyceride levels, serum and tissue lipid profiles, and reduces LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) accumulation. This not only improves metabolic function but also aids in faster weight loss.

13. Bael for Mouth Ulcers

Research has shown that the glycoprotein components of Bael are highly effective in treating various stomach ulcers, including peptic ulcers and ulcerative colitis, as well as relieving colic pain. The soothing properties of Bael make its pulp beneficial for applying directly to oral ulcers or blisters, which can accelerate the healing process and provide relief.

Bael’s Impact on Skin Vitality and Radiance

Heals Skin Rashes
The bael plant’s anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory qualities make it an effective treatment for various skin issues. Extracts from bael leaves and bael oil target and eliminate harmful fungi that cause skin infections. They are also helpful in alleviating skin rashes and itchy bumps.

Calms Inflamed Skin
Bael’s root, bark, leaves, and fruit possess anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, serving as natural mild astringents. These properties help balance an imbalanced pitta dosha, offering relief to inflamed and swollen skin.

Boosts Collagen Production
Rich in Vitamin C and powerful antioxidants, bael juice combats oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals in the body. This process supports the production of collagen, which naturally declines with age, thus helping to maintain youthful skin.

Bael Dosage

The appropriate dosage of Bael varies for each individual based on factors like age, overall health, appetite, and the specific condition being treated. It’s essential to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner who can assess your health conditions and provide a tailored dosage for your needs.

  • Bael Churna (Powder): Take ¼ to ½ teaspoon twice daily.
  • Bael Kwath (Juice/Decoction): Consume ½ to 1 cup twice daily with water, preferably after meals.
  • Bael Capsules/Tablets/Gutika: Take 1 to 2 capsules twice daily.
  • Bael Candy: Enjoy 4 to 5 candies, or adjust according to your preference.

Potential Side Effects of Bael

While Bael is beneficial for health, it may also have some side effects.

  • Blood Sugar Levels: Overconsumption of Bael, particularly when combined with other diabetes medications, may lead to excessively low blood sugar levels.
  • Tannins and Carcinogenicity: Bael contains high levels of tannins. Consuming it in large amounts for extended periods without medical advice could potentially introduce carcinogenic risks.
  • Pregnancy Concerns: Bael leaf extracts or powders may be harmful to pregnant women. It’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Digestive Issues: Although Bael supports digestion, its high carbohydrate content might lead to stomach discomfort and constipation if consumed in excess.


What Are the Benefits of Bael?

Bael is a highly nutritious fruit that supports digestion, enhances immune function, and offers anti-inflammatory properties. It is also effective in detoxifying the body and improving digestive health.

Is It Safe to Drink Bael Juice Daily?

Absolutely, daily consumption of bael juice is safe and beneficial, as it supports digestive health and helps regulate bowel movements.

Who Should Refrain from Eating Bael Fruit?

Those with chronic constipation, individuals on certain medications, or pregnant women should consult with a healthcare provider before consuming bael fruit.

How Can Bael Leaves Be Used?

Bael leaves can be used to make herbal teas, blended into a paste for external application, or consumed to help manage blood sugar levels.

Is Bael Beneficial for the Kidneys?

Indeed, bael is advantageous for kidney health. Its detoxifying properties assist in removing toxins from the body and support overall kidney function.

Does Bael Raise Blood Sugar Levels?

No, bael does not increase blood sugar levels. It is frequently used as a tool to help manage diabetes.

Can Bael Fruit Help Reduce Belly Fat?

Bael fruit supports digestion and metabolism, which may aid in reducing belly fat.

Is Bael Good for Liver Health?

Yes, bael benefits liver health by aiding in detoxification and enhancing liver function.

Can Bel Patra Be Consumed Daily?

Yes, Bel Patra can be consumed daily, particularly for managing diabetes and enhancing digestive health.

Is Bael Beneficial for the Skin?

Bael is highly beneficial for the skin due to its antioxidant properties, which help neutralize free radicals and support a healthy, radiant complexion.

Can Bael Juice Be Refrigerated?

Yes, bael juice can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to 2-3 days. However, it is best enjoyed fresh to maximize its nutritional benefits.

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